The Salerno conference, a multidisciplinary approach for the issue 4 of Occupied Italy

In the setting of the Campus of the University of Salerno, the eight interventions have described a multidisciplinary and multi-spatial vision to the theme of occupation, a theme unfortunately dramatically contemporary due to the recrudescence of conflicts in the hot areas of the planet.

The director of DIPSUM Carmine Pinto brought the greetings of the department and the University while the president of Mubat and responsible for the CERV Avalanche project greeted those present on behalf of the entire consortium.

The conference, broadcast in streaming, had many participants on. line while many others requested access to the recording and documentation of the conference through the form made available on the institutional website of Mubat.
Dr. Francesco Aleexander Cacciatore and Professor Mariangela Palmieri moderated the two sessions in which the event was divided


Michael Auwers of State Archives of Belgium’s Study Centre for War and Society

“From liberators to occupyers? The British ‘occupation’ of Belgium in the Early Cold War”

Katarzyna Jarosz, University in Wrocław

“Red shadows: Soviet presence through the lens of lieux de memoire in Central Asia”

Nicolas G. Virtue, King’s University College

“The spatial imaginary of the Balkans in Second World War Italian Service Newspapers”

Ornella Castiglione, Università Milano Bicocca

“The Balkans in Cinema: Stories and Images of Occupied Territories”

Rocco Melegari, La Sapienza – ISREC Parma

An “occupied space”. Prefectures, police headquarters and municipalities in the first weeks of the German occupation in Italy September – October 1943

Jacopo Bernardini, University of Pisa

“Propaganda, Identity and Memory of the Civil War in Lunigiana”

Gianluca Cinelli, Fondazione Nuto Revelli

“The military occupation in Italy 1943-1945 remembered eighty years later: memory and oral history in the video interviews of the MemoGen project”

Michael B. Limmer, History University of Missouri 

“The impression of Allied soldiers and occupation on postwar tourism in Italy”