“Jews of Rhodes. Eclipse of a Community” exhibition inaugurated at ShoahMemorial in Milan

On May 9th, the inauguration of the exhibition/installation “Jews of Rhodes” was held in Milan, at the Shoah Memorial at Binario 21.

The exhibition was created by the Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea thanks to a legacy from Mrs. Ester Menascé Fintz and was co-financed by the European Remembrance project “Avalanche”.

The event was attended by Sami Modiano who, as a boy, found himself in the hold of one of the ships that took the captured Jews to Athens and then ended up on a freight train headed for the concentration camps. A tragic story about what “the eyes of a child saw and should not have seen” in front of the other witness of the camps, Senator Liliana Segre.

The research was curated by Sara Buda and Daniela Scala with the coordination of Liliana Picciotto and is based on the materials preserved in the CDEC digital library coordinated by the deputy director Laura Brazzo

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