Digital emergence of the trusted sources, data and tools for the dissemination of the history of archival heritage.
Archival sources, data, and their public and scientific dissemination are now at a turning point of the changes that digital is imposing on the work in the archive of all the professional figures who gravitate around it, from archivists themselves, scholars, researchers, teachers, cultural heritage operators, etc.
As part of the Avalanche project, the Mu.Bat Association, Regesta.exe, the Université de Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines, the Université Paris-Saclay and the CDEC Foundation are organizing the Summer School Il Patrimonio ReImmaginato. Digital emergence of sources, data and tools for the dissemination of the history of archival heritage. This school is part of the Avalanche project (Audio Visuals and Languages Analysis Network for Cultural Heritage in Europe – Avalanche of Democracy) funded by the CERV (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme) call of the Horizon programme of the European Community Research Council (ERC).
more info here at mubat website
Co-fundeb by the European Commission and under the patronage of AIUCD. With:
Giovanni Pietro Vitali Associate Professor in Digital Humanities at the Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines – Université Paris-Saclay.
Salvatore Spina Research Fellow at DISUM of the University of Catania, Ambassador for Italy of the Time Machine Organization (Austria) and Trainer Transkribus
Giovanni Bruno, President of regesta.exe, semantic web addicted and expert in valorization and dissemination of cultural heritage
Fabiana Guernaccini Knowledge Manager and Data Architect at regesta.exe.
Ilaria Barbanti is a Digital Archive Designer and Data Manager
Carlo Bruno, Technical project manager of the Italgas Heritage Lab digital transformation project and project manager for 9 clusters of the national and regional PNRR tenders.