Avalanche Project

CERV European Remembrance Program

Our project

The aim of AVALANCHE is to create a platform composed by the applicant organisations, their partners and their extended networks, which

will build and manage correlated activities to raise enhanced awareness of World War II as a funding stone for European historical memory and to promote remembrance as an instrument to nurture Europe’s cultural heritage. The project will focus on women’s testimony and language analysis on historical events that are generally unknown and have not been previously a focus of research, on their impact on communities and territories, in order to create a link between global and local histories, focusing on the Liberation War (the liberation of Europe from nazi-fascist oppression), the Rome Holocaust and the application of the Nazis’ “final solution” in Italy and Greece.

Our project uses as a starting point the first unitary government in Salerno in 1944, which followed the Allied “Avalanche” landings in continental Italy, as the first of assault to “fortress Europe” and the liberation of the continent, which would open the way for the instauration of modern democracies.

It is addressed to three different target group, using a different approach and methodology for each one:

* Secondary schools and university students

* Academics and researchers

* Widespread public

The project’s activities can be summarised as following: lectures in secondary schools followed by the production of creative outcomes by the students; training activities for university focusing on heritage and digital technologies; research activities including seminars and archival work; dissemination of knowledge through events including exhibitions and festivals aimed at the widest possible audience, segmenting the audience of users and identifying the best communication tools for each. The project has a transnational dimension thanks to the partners in France and Greece, a country that was deeply affected by these events and that had a strong connection with Italy.